Empowering and connecting a community through the power of shared experiences.
Client: Tumour Foundation of BC // Graphic Design, Editorial Design
Out of the shadows
NF encompasses a set of distinct genetic disorders that cause tumours to grow anywhere on or in the body and can also cause disfigurement, bone deformities and learning disabilities. It's more common than cystic fibrosis, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy and Huntington’s disease combined – but it's largely unrecognized because those affected are reluctant to talk about it.
Voices of courage
We teamed up with the Tumour Foundation of BC to create a magazine – a platform to share individual experiences with NF. Unlike most publications of this kind, we looked to examples in fashion and lifestyle in order to celebrate life, honour those who stepped up to tell their stories, and inspire others to share their own.
It takes a village
The magazine has been enthusiastically received by members of the NF community, and also by it secondary audience: doctors, family, friends, etc. – extending the TFBC's reach, and proving the enduring power of personal stories.
Selected Projects
Brand Identity GalleryBranding, Graphic Design
BC Ferries On Board MenusGraphic Design
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ShowmodeBranding, Graphic Design
BC Museums AssociationBranding, Graphic Design, Web Design
Passages Retail BrandingBranding, Graphic Design
MFRC RebrandingBranding, Graphic Design, Web Design
Dales Gallery WebsiteWeb Design
DEC RebrandingBranding, Graphic Design, Web Design
Royal Oak Burial Park AdvertisingGraphic Design
Matt Politano
Certified Brand Specialist
CDP™ DesCan Certified Design Professional
Phone: +1 250 812 2431
Email: mp@oculusdesign.ca
Victoria, BC
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